Teaching for me is one of the three components of the work along with my being an author and performer. One nourishes the others and therefore I try to keep them democratically present in my day. Teaching, both in contemporanea dance classes and in the exploratory workshops I offer, is not unidirectional for me; on the contrary, I feed off the students’ feelings, their reflections, joys and tears. Each first time for me is full of anxieties and questions, I would like to create a protected place and time in which a group advances, discovers and experiments. I feel much more like a prompter than a teacher, trying to offer and pass on what many great connoisseurs of the body have passed on to me.
This is what teaching is, it is transmission, listening and trying to grasp the peculiarities of the individual in order to elaborate them and give them to a group.
Teaching is a challenge, I have never felt like a teaching artist punching a time card, on the contrary, always ‘on stage’ with as much ‘myself’ as possible. It is a quest to surprise oneself, to discover our deepest essence, the body, a combination of bones, muscles, mind and heart that supports us, sustains us and never abandons us.

Since 2016, I have been involved in training in the world of research dance, both within dance schools and within festivals related to the art world.
I have held workshops at: Scuola di Danza Dania – Pordenone, Danza Armonia – Fontanafredda (Pn), ASD Il Sogno – Pordenone, FestinVal – Tramonti di Sotto (Pn), ArtinVal – Tramonti di Sotto (Pn), Festa delle Erbe e del Benessere – Tramonti di Sopra (Pn), Società Operaia Dodismala – Tramonti di Sopra (Pn), Squinterno Festival – Berceto (Pr), Firenze Open Art Project – Firenze, La Città che Viaggia – Cagliari, La Scatola dell’Arte – Roma, Scuola di danza Eur – Roma, Teatro La Fenice – Arsoli (Rm), Spazio Zut – Foligno (Pg). From 2016 to 2023, I have taught at ASD Moderna Sacile, where I was responsible for the preparation of rhythmic gymnastics competitive athletes.