CSS Dialoghi at Villa Manin, Giovanni Chiarot

What you do is difficult because…I’ve always said…it’s not…it’s not just the movement, you have to think about it…is not like watching the Nutcracker where you have beautiful music, beautiful costumes… and everybody are happy after the show. [ …] During this kind of performance you have to help the audience to understand the piece and you have to do it before the show.

A dance performance as research on exposure in close proximity…

This research was born out of our desire to confront the emotions of human interaction: honesty, trust in one another and the fears that arise from these actions. As dancers we are attempting to return these important thoughts we have received. Throughout the development of this work, an important question surfaced: what is the density of emotions created between dancers and audience?

In maintaining a continuous, open dialogue with our audience during the entire research period, we are hoping that this experiment, with self exposure in close proximity, will hold a mirror up to our public. We are searching for nearness and sensorial perception. The audience becomes the fifth element of a dialogue between the space, the lights and the two bodies on stage. The audience, bathed in stage light and vividly experiencing the close existence of two dancers, find the plurality of emotions.


  • Concept: Giovanna Rovedo
  • Dance: Giovanna Rovedo, Michela Silvestrin
  • Original soundtrack: Yannick Franck
  • Lighting design: Daniela Bestetti
  • Supported by: Anghiari Dance Hub, Residenze Marche Spettacolo – Polverigi – (An), Residenza Settimo Cielo/Teatro Comunale La Fenice di Arsoli – Arsoli (Rm), Cie Evidanse – Spoleto (PG), Progetto Dialoghi Arti Performative in Residenza a Villa Manin, CSS Teatro Stabile di Innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia – Udine.
  • Production: Compagnia Atacama
