Dimensionen in Homo Utopiens @ TEDx Padova 2018

The goal of the Dimensionen, artistic research collective, is the investigation of the multiple possible worlds through the dynamic interaction between mobility and immobility, dream and reality, movement and pause, sound and silence. We are looking for real or negative spaces, twilight spaces and cavities of human perception that are difficult to grasp.

Occasionally there is a discomfort in feeling in a relationship, derived from others coming into contact with our being unique individuals. Dimensionen found an abstract space with a multidimensional dialogue, in which the artists decide to face the encounter and confrontation between the individual and the community through improvised imagines, sounds and movement.

Humankind as feeling, Feelings as sound, The sound of shadow, The shadow of interactions, The meeting of different systems, Systems, of change, Change through movement. Esther Ningelgen


  • Painting and sculptures: Ilona Ottenbreit
  • Dance: Abel Navarro, Giovanna Rovedo
  • Music: Martina Dunkelmann, Thomas Wagner
  • Supported by: Bezirksamt Berlin Treptow/Kopernick, TEDxPadova and Giorgio Chinea Art Cabinet
  • Performed in: TEDx – Padova, Mehrkunst Verein, – Koblenz, Kunstfestival 48h Neukölln – Berlin, Europa Teatri – Parma , Kunsthalle M3 – Berlin, Performance festival im Tatwerk – Berlin, Eröffnung Kunst am Spreeknie and Movin Poets – Berlin.

videos from the group